Expanding on Qs

In the Full-form Q editor, write your Q from back to front, which means start with the teaching elements (Insight and Learn More item):

  • Insight:  Write one to three sentences that will overcome the learner’s Obstacle and compel them to take Action (use Goal Drivers as a guide). Here’s a way to do it:
    • 1st sentence addresses the Obstacle... what the learner is NOT telling you, but they are thinking. For example, “You may think you already have this down...” or “Yes, this can take some thinking, but...”
    • 2nd sentence:  tell them what you want them to know or do about this Topic.
    • 3rd sentence: “hook” them to click the Learn More button. For example, “Watch this video to see how it’s done...” or “Click Learn More for the steps...”

    See more about writing Insights > and  See this article on what belongs in a good Q

  • Learn More:  Link the learner to your source material, but better to make it ONE PART of a piece of material. For example, one paragraph of an article, one snippet of a larger video, etc. Make it readable within 60 seconds or viewable within 2 minutes. You have two choices on how to do that:
    • Page: assemble your Learn More Item as a web page, using drag-and-drop simple layouts that you stack like blocks. Add images, import videos from Youtube or other locations, and write beautifully optimized text for a phone screen.   
    • Link: input a URL link that leads to a web page outside the software, such as your website. This is the best solution if you send learners to DO something interactively on that external website. However, this is not the best solution if you are sending learners directly from the Q to read or review long-form content (in that case, create a Page of short content first, and that Page sends learners to an external website for longer-form content as an option afterward).

Complete the Q with a factoid

In the Full form Q editor, write your Question and Clue:

  • Question:  Write a multiple choice question with four answer choices or two (see a setting for those options). Identify one factoid that appears in your Learn More Item, and write your Question about that. Keep it short and not too easy to answer. This part is about driving the learner to make a quick decision -- and then the Insight is where the learning about the Topic actually starts.
  • Clue: Write a word or phrase, or use an image with no words even, that will prepare the learner for the Question they are about to play. And you may even write it as a hint that will HELP the learner choose the correct answer. (Don’t give it away!)
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