Use Conversational Language
When writing Questions and Learn More Items, it's tempting to use the language most of us have learned since our school days, which is academic language.
Think of this software as a "coach in your pocket." A coach would never use academic language. A coach drives action and performance.
Example of Academic Language
"There are many ways that you could approach your supervisor about issues that you face in the workplace. However, you will find that the most effective approach is to consider the complications that your supervisor is already facing, and to approach them with empathy."
Example of Conversational Language
"Think about what's going on with your supervisor. You can bet they're busy! So consider that before asking them to solve a problem for you. Offer options instead."
Notice the Academic version of the insight above reads nicely but it's longer and it doesn't compel you to take action. It's informational. Instead, use conversational language like a coach would. Tell the participant to take an action as if they were standing right in front of you. It's more efficient and it compels them to act!