Specifying Time Zones for Programs and Series

Setting Time Zones for Programs

Setting the time zone specifically for Programs can be used to segment different Player groups by geo-location on a larger level. This allows you to keep reporting completely separate for each Player Group and Program, and allows you to time Program delivery - and the delivery of every Series, Challenge, and Motivator inside of it.

For example, a company has one Program focused on a major topic of learning. However, they have three different Player Groups, each in a different time zone, they want to enroll (the Groups are located in California, the U.K., and Japan, for example). They want to enroll these Players into the same Program.

However, if all of the Players were to be enrolled into one Program, Questions would be delivered at inopportune times. Those based in California may have Questions delivered during their workday (ideal), while Players in the U.K and Japan would have Questions delivered after the work day, late at night or early in the morning (not ideal).

Best practice to resolve this Program time zone issue?

Duplicate and segment your Programs by Player Group based on geolocation. In this case, you would take your complete Program, duplicate into 3 different copies, and set the proper Player time zone and name with corresponding geolocation. For example:


  • Company ABC Training - California (PST time zone)
  • Company ABC Training - U.K. (GMT time zone)
  • Company ABC Training - Japan (JST time zone)

Specifying Time Zones for Series

Setting the time zone for Series within the same Program can be used to segment different Player groups by geo-location as well. This allows you to keep reporting all together for each Player Group in the same Program. You will not have Program-level control of timing for delivery of elements, and instead to specify timing at the Series level and below.

Duplicate and segment your Series by Player Group based on geolocation and time zone.

If you have Series that are all segmented by Player Groups, segment your Series by different time zones.

Note: Also see Duplicating a Program, Series, Challenge, or Question for more information about duplicating a Program and Series, and time zone implications.

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