How does a Question Sequence develop a Habit?

Anatomy of a Habit

An Attitude Habit is based on a belief. Consider that learners form beliefs by repeatedly encountering 1) trusted testimonials and/or 2) trusted proofs. Include these in your Qs and Learn More Items.
A Skill Habit is based on repeated Action. Come up with specific actions your learners can take from this habit and ask them to take those actions. Then, consider how to track the actions that were taken.
A Knowledge Habit is based on retained information. First, come up with relatable scenarios where the targeted habit is required. Then, consider ways for the Learner to practice applying this knowledge.

Take Action

Put each Q (and its related Topic and Habit) into the Learner's real-life by connecting it to an Action.  
In the Action field, enter specifically what you want the Learner to do after answering the Q.  Consider how you measure or track that they have done it!

Overcome the Obstacle

Before Learners take the Actions you ask them to take, help them overcome the Obstacle in the way.
Consider how this works for you as well as for your Learners. For example, you may notice that whenever you are asked to do something, there is commonly a concern or resistance that it brings up: e.g., "I don't have time" or "I have my own way of doing this" or "This isn't relevant to me."    
By identifying the Obstacle and speaking to it in the phrasing of the Q, we have found Learners find it relatable and become more willing to engage. 
In the Obstacle field, enter what you observe as a common resistance in your Learners when they are asked to take the Action you identify. You may not be 100% sure about this. Trust your intuition; you're the subject-matter expert! Don't forget you can test this by seeing how the Learners answer the Q.  And consider how you can capture feedback from the Learners in other ways, such as a one-question survey.


How will this example of a Short Form Question develop a Habit in the Learner? 

The Learner's Obstacle that they already know how to use letters and numbers in a password will be immediately addressed in the Insight. 

This will lower their natural defense mechanism and open their mindset to take the Action of learning tips on creating a stronger password in the Learn More Item. Here are a few tips and a short video that provide the voice of authority for your Learners to trust.

By learning these tips, the Leaner will be supporting the 3 Habits (1 Knowledge and 2 Skills from the ASK Methodology) linked to this Question. The Learner will leave the game with the Habits of knowing how to create strong passwords and believe if they do not keep their passwords safe, they will be making it easy for an attacker to compromise their work and personal data. 

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