What types of Badges are available?

There are currently eight (8) Badges available for you to choose from, and programmable to be delivered to your users as follows:

  • You Got Your 1st Correct Answer!
  • 3-in-a-Row answered Correctly
  • 5-in-a-Row answered Correctly
  • Answered 100% Correctly
  • Answered 100% of Questions
  • Rank: Made the Top 25!
  • Rank: Made the Top 50!
  • Rank: Made the Top 100!


The Badge you customize needs to fit in the current programming criteria shown above - the eight (8) reasons for delivery of a Badge to your users (e.g., You Got Your 1st Correct Answer!).

We welcome you to adjust, tweak or create your own Badges! Use this diagram as a reference:

Access the 'Edit Badge' page in the action menu next to the template you cloned/copied into your Program. Or, select the '+ Badge' option on the Badges page

1) Title - Name your Badge so it describes the purpose of a player earning the award

2) Message - What do you want the text to say when the player receives the message that they've earned this particular badge

 3) Badge Icon - Place an image of the badge to be delivered in the same message - Pay attention to sizing of the image or use the templates section in Canva.

4) How Many Badges? - If there are a limited number of entries for players to earn for each Challenge, please enter the total amount of Badges that will be available for this Challenge

5, 6 & 7) Triggers - What will trigger this particular Badge? Select from the drop down menu and then fill in the corresponding fields requiring further information for that type of trigger.

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