Email Template about Restarting of Challenges after a break

Hi {First Name}

Your next Challenge in the App is coming up!  Click below to open your app from your Mobile devices:

iPhone: or [Add White Label Link]

Android: or [Add White Label Link]

Pro Tip: Make sure your notifications are ON, so that you can answer your questions LIVE. Depending on how your Game Administrator has set this up, you could earn more points for answering questions LIVE.

Also, be sure to click the button that appears after each question. It takes you to a 60-second “how to” that will make a difference in your productivity and communications.

In the first four weeks of engaging with the app, PERSON A and Person B consistently topped the leaderboard, and PERSON C has answered almost every question delivered.  This is how you turn this work into a practice!

Follow these practices and you will significantly level-up your leadership and self-mastery. Go get ‘em.

See you in a couple weeks!

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