The Authoritative Voice


Sometimes, you may encounter a group of Learners who, for various reasons, aren't engaging with the app or enrolling the way you want them to.  In these cases, you may want to bring in an authoritative voice that your Learners will respond to: C-Level leadership, Supervisors, or tough Instructors probably come to mind. However, there are a couple things to consider: 

The best authoritative voice isn't always "the stick".

One of our clients found their Authoritative voice in a training instructor for whom Learner's had a high-level of respect and admiration. When faced with a meager 40% total enrollment of invited Players, the response to his brief, optimistic statement on the potential of the app was swift and universal.  Enrollment jumped to 100% within 2 hours...

Try "the carrot" instead!

There are many examples of authoritative 'voices' who can have a massive impact on Learner engagement. Before you go straight for the "disciplinarian", ask yourself how your Learners might respond to a powerful, positive message! Who would deliver that message? You might be surprised at what you come up with.

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