Testing Programs, Series, and Challenges

Testing before launching a Program, Series, and Challenge, is a best practice.

There are a few things you will need to have prepared for testing purposes:

  • an Apple device
  • an Android device

This is so that you are testing your Program on two different devices and are ensuring that it works for Players regardless of their device of choice. You will also want to designate a date and time period for testing that is at least a few days away so that you - and our Support team - has enough time to prepare. 

How to Test Before Launch

Step 1. Duplicate the entire Program

To keep data from your test separate from your final Program data, we recommend duplicating the entire Program and appending the name of it with ”– TEST” to distinguish it from your -MASTER and any specific Program. Even if you just want to test a single Challenge, you must duplicate the entire Program to keep the reporting clean.

Step 2. In the Duplicate Program box:

  • Choose the date you'd like to start testing for the Visible in the App to Users field
  • Choose your own time zone
  • Leave Duplicate to Turnkeys blank
  • Check With Goal Design
  • Check As Draft
  • Choose No for duplicating the Learn Mores, Images, and Install Sites (since there is no need to create duplicate assets for a test Program)
  • Choose "Duplicate"

Step 3. Rename the Program

From the Programs table, find your duplicated Program, click the pencil icon to the right to change the name of the Program, and append it with -TEST to distinguish it as a Test.

Step 4: Create the Item Schedules for the Test
Edit the schedule of everything inside the Program, to change them to match your designated testing time period.
  • Challenges
  • Date-dependent Flashes
  • Date-dependent Badges
  • Date-dependent Awards
  • Date-dependent Sweepstakes

Step 5: Customize the Invite Code for the Testing Series

Change the autogenerated Invite Code for your Series to make them different from the Invite Codes for your final Program

Step 6: When ALL of the above is complete, file a ticket through your assigned Tech Support

The standard interval between Questions is 30 minutes, and in order to test all your Questions within your designated window, the Question interval will have to be adjusted by our Support team. Adjusting the Question interval will allow you and your testers to run through all the Questions live and quickly for troubleshooting purposes. The Support Team will adjust your Questions interval and schedule the Questions for you during the scheduled Test Program Challenge window. The team will also bulk publish all your Program elements and let you know that your Challenges and Questions will go live during your testing period.

Step 7: Once confirmed by Tech Support, provide an Install Site link/Invite Code to your testers

Once you have received this confirmation, provide either the Series Invite Codes, or the URL of the Install Sites to your testers, along with the date and time for the live testing window.

Step 8: Make note of any changes you need to make while testing
When you are testing your Programs, make note of any changes you need to make.
Step 9: Make changes to specific and (if applicable) MASTER Program
After the testing is complete, be sure to go back into the specific Program (and not the -TEST version) to make changes to the Programs. You may also consider making those changes in your MASTER Program if applicable.
Note: If you need assistance during the testing process, please file a ticket to reach out to our Support team.
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