Examples for Program, Series and Challenges Sequences

Employee Onboarding

  • Program - [Company Name] Onboarding
    • Series - Welcome to Week 1!                           (INVITE CODE: ALLGETIT)
      • Challenge1 - welcome to the company
      • Challenge 2 - company history
      • Challenge 3 - what you need to know, where to find help, company directory, org chart, media
    • Series - Welcome to Week 2!                 (INVITE CODE: DEPARTMENT A)
      • Challenge 1 - your department, 
      • Challenge 2 - departmental protocol, what you need to know for this department, department chart
    • Series - Welcome to Week 3!                       (INVITE CODE: ROLE III)
      • Challenge 1 - your role, what you need to know for your role, 
      • Challenge 2 - where to get help, how to report out

Event Engagement

Program - [Event Name] [Date]

Series - Pre-Event

Challenges - History of this event, why you need to attend, what you will get out of it, items to ready for attendance, FAQs

Series - During the Event

Challenges - Event schedule, how to connect with speakers, speaker bios & info, session handouts, extra resources, how to connect with attendees, in-event prizes

Series - Post-Event

Challenges - Post-event resources, how to stay connected, sign up to attend next year, speaker applications for next year, how to get involved for the next event

Company News & Communications

Program - [Company] ALL Comms

Series - [Department] Comms

Challenge - Week of [Date]

Global Training Initiatives (same Reports)

Program - [Initiative Name] ALL Players

Series - [Players Geo 1]


Series - [Players Geo 2]


Global Training Initiatives (separate Reports)

Program - [Initiative Name] [Players Geo 1]

Series - [Initiative Name]


Program - [Initiative Name] [Players Geo 2]

Series - [Initiative Name]


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