What does Points Ratio mean?

Ask yourself, "Should points won in Group Mode be the same as in Solo Mode?"

This is your choice. 

More Points for Group Mode than Solo Mode: If you want to encourage your users to answer Qs right when they are delivered, reward the players who participate in Group Mode. You may do this to strengthen the habit of responsiveness in your users. Use the 'Points Ratio' field in the 'Add Challenge' pop up window, accessible through the 'Challenges' page of your Program.

Same Points in Group Mode or Solo Mode: If you do NOT want a competitive advantage for Group Mode over Solo Mode play, set the Points Ratio to 100%. This is an important consideration if some of your users have a clearly unfair advantage over others because of their daily routines or access to the app.

Example:  In a particular Challenge, 300 is the max points that a person can earn on a Live Q played in Group Mode. Player 1 plays live in Group Mode because he's at work and has access to his Smartphone when the Q is played.  Player 2 is in the field and cell reception is patchy so he's unable to join. He'll play the Q later when he's in a decent reception.  He'll play in Solo Mode and if the Points ratio were set at 50% (and Players 1 and 2 answered the Q in the same amount of time), Player 1 would receive the full 300 points, while Player 2 would receive 150 points playing in Solo Mode.

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